
Some of my writings have appeared in different publications and websites. Of note is a published essay I wrote which was included in book Recollections from an Uncommon Time: 4C20 Documentarian Tales. The essay, which appears in the book, and is available as an open-access eBook through the WAC Clearing Hous

  • Contributions to Edited Collections
    “Some Lessons and Tales: Moving Classes Online in the Advent of a Crisis for Which No
    One Signed Up,” entry in Recollections from an Uncommon Time 4C20 Documentarian Tales, Studies
    in Writing & Rhetoric (SWR) Series, CCCC/NCTE (book chapter (2021).
  • Poems– “An Allegory of Henry Thanner’s Thankful Poor.” .African Writer Magazine, 2013
  • Review of Books
  • – “Vultures of Fortune: A Book Review ”Review of Vultures of Fortune, by Pious Okoro, in
  • Features and Reviews, African Writer Magazine, 2012
  • Review of For the Kingdom and the Power: The Big Money Swindle That Spread Hate Across America, by Dale Laackman, in Goodreads, 2023
  • Self-Published Manuscripts 
  • – “From Theory to Practice: A Mixed Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking, Argumentative Writing, & Rhetoric in an Asynchronous Writing Course” for submission to Double Helix: A Journal of Critical Thinking and Writing.
  • –  “Why Educators Should Promote Snapchat in their Asynchronous Classes” for submission to The Chronicles of Higher Education.