– Format Taught: Face-to face and Online Synchronous

Course Description
Course introduces strategies for planning, writing, and revising advanced expository essays and the college research paper. Content includes critical reading and analysis, the structure of argument, and the use of sources.

Welcome to English 102! This class meets virtually, which means you need to be in class online for live instruction and discussion. I’m looking forward to a great semester and getting to know you as a thinker, writer, reader, learner, individual, and a member of this prestigious college. I’m committed to helping you succeed in this course. For this reason, this syllabus contains lots of important information that you need to know for your duration as an active student in this course.
The theme of this course is Literary Analysis, Critical Thinking, & Research. Reading and writing assignments will challenge us to examine and interpret various texts, thinking of ways we can use our experience, knowledge, understanding, and other skills we have learned to read critically and argue thoughtfully as we write academic and professional papers. We will read, analyze, discuss, research, and write about visuals, multimodal images, videos, essays, and articles, uncovering how composers and authors of specific texts logically and persuasively
present assertions, supported with reasons and evidence—arguments.

Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to:
1. Analyze and evaluate a variety of argumentative texts, including academic discourse.
2. Adapt writing to the fundamental components of rhetorical context (that is, how reader, writer, language, and subject matter interact).
3. Use the different conventions and genres of discourse communities, including academic ones, in writing.
4. Apply strategies for clarifying major writing aims, arranging material, and providing sufficient materials to satisfy the expectations of readers when supporting those aims.
5. Draft and revise advanced argumentative and research essays for academic audiences, including collaboration with others as part of the process.
6. Document source material appropriately using MLA and / or APA format.
7. Use appropriate technologies to locate relevant and credible sources for college writing.
8. Synthesize source materials using techniques of accurate summary, paraphrase, and direct quotation to support the writer’s own purposes.
