
I have taught composition courses in various teaching formats of learning from face-to-face to hybrid to fully online asynchronous to fully online synchronous courses. Teaching English composion courses is my specialty.

Courses Taught

College Level

Courses Taught at Oakton Community College (2019 -Present)

 – Format Taught: Face-to-face

Course prepares students for college writing. Content includes the writing process, sentence
structure, paragraph organization, basic essay structure, grammar, and mechanics.

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 – Format Taught: Face-to-face

Course allows students who place into developmental writing to take both developmental writing and EGL 101 at the same time. Content supplements instruction in EGL 101, providing more individualized instruction and support in college readiness, critical reading, college-level writing,
and analysis.

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– Format Taught: Online Asynchronous

Course Description
Course introduces strategies for planning, writing, and revising expository essays based on experience and reading. Content includes purpose, context, genre, and the rhetorical situation as elements in the writing process, as well as critical reading and analysis as the basis for essay writing. The first course in a two-course sequence with EGL 102.

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– Format Taught: Face-to face and Online Synchronous

Course Description
Course introduces strategies for planning, writing, and revising advanced expository essays and
the college research paper. Content includes critical reading and analysis, the structure of
argument, and the use of sources.

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Courses Taught at Harper College (2019 -Present)

 – Format Taught: Online Asynchronous

Course Description
Now known as ENG 096, this course develops skills in critical reading comprehension and in writing standard effective English through the study of college-level written texts, writing process, and response writing. Activities include the analytical reading of essays, the critical engagement of reading through writing, the drafting and writing of essays, and the developing of editing skills.

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– Format Taught: Face-to-face, Hybrid, and Online Asynchronous

Course Description
ENG 101 emphasizes the writing of expository prose. Introduction to the critical reading of nonfiction prose.

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– Format Taught: Face-to-face and Online Asynchronous

Course Description
Continues ENG 101. ENG 102 is focused on reading literature and writing of various types of prose. Introduces methods used in writing investigative papers.

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